My Story
I was born in Cook County Hospital in Chicago Illinois. Before I was a one year old my parents separated. They devised a plan where I would go visit my father in Pontiac, Michigan for the summers, and then spend the school year with my mother in Chicago. However, their first attempt at that took an interesting twist because that first summer ended turning into almost 10 years living with my pops in Pontiac. I asked them what happened when I was older, and they both said that they just lost contact with one another. Then as I reflected on it later, on my birth certificate it said that my mother was 22 years old when she had me. I put two and two together and I’m willing to bet that it was unintentional but better for her to spend those years finding herself more. After some years they finally got back in touch. I moved back in with my mother and also I had new siblings that I hadn’t met until then. She wanted me to grow up with them and not my entire childhood as an only child with my father in Michigan.
I was blessed to have such a unique childhood spending years with my father in Michigan and then the rest of my childhood years with my mother in the Chicago area. By the time I was in 3rd grade, my mom had moved us to Champaign, Illinois because she believed it was safer than the city.
My mother was always a leader as far back as I can remember. She was very influential and she was a woman with four kids, two jobs, and one God. And also she was putting herself through school to work in the medical field. I remember helping her with her homework and feeling confused because some of those medical books had nudity in them and my 14 year old brain wasn’t piecing everything together. My mother ended up pursuing the motivational route and today she is a life coach, community builder, and a best-selling author. Her book is titled “Jesus Fix It” by Fay Phillips and it can be found on the Amazon marketplace.
My father is also a community leader. He was always very active in the church, and he was a bit of a street preacher. It was amazing back then because every time I would walk with him, I would feel like royalty. I was the prince, and he was the king. Everyone in Pontiac had the utmost respect for him, and there were even a few young men that he mentored. He was a motivational speaker in his own right, and also he was a bit musical as well. He would always tell me, “Son, in your life keep God first, drink plenty of water, and there is no such thing as I can’t.” It was my father who instilled in me the faith to believe in God with all of my heart. And also to trust the spirit voice from within.
As I reflect on my childhood, God had it orchestrated beautifully for me to grow up into the man that I am today. Even as a teenager, other kids would gravitate towards me for relationship advice and other things they struggled with. For me, it kind of just came naturally because I had a natural curiosity to learn more and also such an amazing childhood that I give credit to God and my parents.
Life went on and I got a Job in sales. At about 19 years old I was promoted to store manager of a Sprint dealer. I was responsible for opening a store in Coralville, Iowa. With my leadership skills that I learned from my childhood I took that new store to becoming one of the top producing stores in our market. Soon AT&T caught wind of me and I transferred over. Eventually landing me in West Des Moines, Iowa. And the same thing happened there. Except this time I became #1 out of 52,000 reps for two months in a row. And the month before that I was #2 and that was the month I transferred so I did it in two weeks when other reps had the full month.
Sucess in my career was taking off and I was making more money than I knew what to do with.
But something was missing in my heart. A void was beginning to build and I was ready for my calling. Out of eagerness and curiosity, I walked into a cornfield in Iowa and I called out to God for help. The events that followed were nothing less than extraordinary.
Spiritual Awakening
For the tail end of my living in Iowa, I invited my cousin Gordo to come stay with me. Since childhood we were inseparable. While living with my mother in Champaign she would have us go and visit my Uncle Gordy in St. Louis, Missouri for some of the summers. Uncle Gordy’s son Gordo is my favorite cousin. Now get this, My Uncle Gordy’s full name is Gordon Phillips. My cousin Gordo’s full name is Gordon Phillips. My oldest brother on my mom’s side name is Gordon Phillips. And then my grandfather has a slightly different name. His name is James. That is, James Gordon Phillips.
I never understood why there were so many Gordon Phillips in my family. However, I’m grateful that my name is Allen Little. Although it is named after my father, technically, my full name is Allen Little II. My mother didn’t want Jr. at the end because she thought it was ghetto.
So fast forward to my cornfield talk in Iowa. My cousin was there living with me before I stepped out into that cornfield. He was the one that inspired me to start embracing self-help books. He got me to even consider that there was a higher power out there. At the time I didn’t think much of it and I didn’t prioritize it. Every time I heard of God, I felt obligations, rules, and punishments. I remember going to church and dancing to some of the music, but overall just being bored as a kid. I loved the people and community, but when the sermon started it was nap time for your boy.
As my cousin kept egging me on with the self-help and spiritual books. I started to become attracted to the idea that I could be rich. One of the books on the shelf was “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and that was probably the first one that I embraced intending to improve myself. That book led to another, and then another, and the next thing I knew I was a regular reader. The more books I read, the more they started to point toward an invisible force orchestrating everything. I started to tiptoe towards my curiosity about this force. I started to glance at spiritual books like the Bible, the Torah, and other world religion books. I wanted to learn all perspectives of this invisible force we call God. Then finally, I came across one book in our library that unveiled it all for me. That book was titled, “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch.
When I started to read it, I felt something inside of me that I never felt before while reading a book. It was like all of my soul was screaming, “THIS IS IT!” As I started to read more, I suddenly got scared. I remember sitting in my room playing a YouTube clip of the audiobook and sitting there just petrified with fear. I was afraid because everything this book was saying was nothing that I was taught growing up about God. And also, this perspective of God was so magnificent, so loving, and so powerful, that a part of me thought that it was simply too good to be true. If what this book was saying is true, then that would mean that I am truly unlimited, and God does love me unconditionally. The book opened my eyes to the possible idea that I could love God and have a relationship with God. I practically grew up in the church and the Kingdom Hall because my mother had a season of being a Jehovah’s Witness. But I never actually felt close to God, until now.
So I walked to the cornfield. I said to myself, “I must speak to God directly.” I must know for myself if what Conversations with God is saying is true. I found a little bench overseeing the cornfield, and I looked to the sky and said, “God, if you’re real, please show me proof.” I then started to make conversation with God. I just started talking about whatever came up for me. After sitting there eagerly, expecting to see Mufasa in the sky or something. I realized that nothing was happening. I had a little bit of hope before I concluded the conversation and the last thing I said was, “Ok God, whether you’re real or not, I love you regardless.”
I stood up and started my walk back to my apartment. My phone lit up, and it was my Uncle Neal in Seattle, Washington. He had just responded to my inquiry about whether God was real or not. He called me and said, “Allen, the holy spirit is speaking to me, and God is saying that he’s glad that you’re back in his life.” He said a couple of holy words after that and then hung up the phone.
Once again, I felt fear. That timing was too real. As the days went on, synchronicities started to happen at an accelerated rate. I matched with a girl on Tinder and her name was Faith. I got invited to a meeting with an insurance agent, and his name was Dale Meracle. I went to Walmart to buy groceries and as I was wandering the store I had this thought in me that said, “Ok if God is really real, then I definitely need to start doing things differently in my life.” As I made it to the self-checkout, I scanned my items and inserted my money. The machine lit up and said, “Please accept your change.” So I put my hand out, waiting for the change to come. And then again the machine said, “Please accept your change.” I started to get confused because nothing was happening. Then the machine lit up like a pinball machine, and the light above it started to flicker like a police siren. The machine then proceeded to constantly say again and again, “Please accept your change.” The cashier walked over and apologized for the machine’s malfunction. She checked me out and as I was exiting Walmart it hit me. “Allen, please accept your change.”
America’s Speaker
As all of the synchronicities were happening, I started to wonder what I could really do and what was my purpose in life. I felt this great spiritual power emerging in my chest every day. If I were to give it a size I would say it was the size of 1,000 Mt. Rushmores. It was a huge force emerging in my chest and also ever since I had that conversation in the cornfield I noticed a vibrating pressure in my forehead just in between my eyebrows. My dreams were more vivid and I noticed a slew of other spiritual things happening within my body. I felt the inspiration to start posting positive tweets on Twitter. I was a bit of a Twitter influencer before in the comedy space. I used to repost memes and dad jokes. I did this to pass the time when I worked at AT&T. I learned different strategies to grow my Twitter account and I managed to surpass over 120,000 followers. When I transitioned my account to the inspirational space following my spiritual awakening, my followers were very receptive to the change.
One of the followers asked me to come to her office because she loved the inspiration I was posting. A part of me was turned on to the idea of inspiring someone in person so I obliged and arranged a time to meet with her at her office. When I arrived at the office I was a bit confused because the place looked like a political rally. There were American flags everywhere and many signs that read, “Ben Carson 2016 for President.” Shortly into the conversation with her I asked her what she did and she told me that she was a lead campaigner for Dr. Ben Carson. He was running for president at the time, and her responsibility was finding voters for him. I was grateful to be meeting her but I assured her that I wasn’t the political type. She invited me to meet Mr. Carson and she assured me that it would be a spiritual meeting and not just a political one.
She didn’t tell me this ahead of time, but when I arrived to meet him, there were at least 15 other people there and big cameras everywhere. It turns out they were shooting a campaign commercial, and I ended up being one of the participants in the commercial. I’m a go-with-the-flow type of guy, but being on national television was not in the cards for my day. However, I still got to have my meeting with Ben Carson, which lasted less than five minutes.
I spent four of those minutes asking Ben about the truth about God and whether God is real. I told him about my recent awakening, the pressure I felt in my chest and forehead, and how things were accelerating in my life. He let me speak on everything I could, and once I finished, he leaned his head close to mine.
All he said was, “You found the secret to success.”
And then the conversation was over. I sat there puzzled. I did not correlate God and success in the same category. It was perfect because all I wanted at the time was to be successful. And I figured if God was the secret to success, then I’m going to go a mile deep in that category. And I did just that. I increased my reading and listening of Conversations with God to almost every day. I spoke with God in nature, in my car, in grocery stores. Everywhere I could, I became obsessed. Yet I was still wondering how far it could really go.
I decided to give the lady a call who invited me to meet Ben Carson. I simply wanted to say thank you for the meeting. When she picked up the phone she was in a bit of a frantic state. She started telling me about how my calling her was perfect because she was going to call me. That night was the Iowa caucuses and they were looking for a speaker to represent Ben Carson. Keep in mind I’ve never given an inspirational speech publicly before and although I agreed, I was beyond nervous.
I gave my father a call right after speaking to her. I told my father the situation in me giving a speech and he sprung to life with wisdom from the holy ghost. He said; “Son, God called you to do this speech. And when he calls you, HE EQUIPS! He equips you with what you need to get it done!”
Hearing my father’s words, I felt a surge of power rush up my body from the base of my spine. I felt as if I just finished a workout at the gym and I was pumped with spiritual energy.
I grabbed my cousin and we started to head to the venue for the speech. The event was held at a large church and when I walked in I instantly felt the butterflies. She did not tell me that there were about 500 or so people at this event. There were news cameras everywhere and media people taking videos and pictures. The audience looked like your typical American citizen audience. You could just tell that this was a televised political event.
Then there was an energy shift. I heard a thud and someone walked in. All of a sudden almost every media person started running towards the door to interview and record the man that walked into the venue. I didn’t know it at the time, but this man was my opponent for the speech.
When I finally made my way past all of the paparazzi to see who the man was I recognized him instantly. Someone yelled “TRUMP!!” and there he was standing right in front of me. I had a couple of notes for the speech on my iPhone. But I did not have notes for a talk that I knew was going to be against Donald Trump running for president in 2016.
Either way, I heard in my head what my father said to me. “When God calls you to do something, he equips you with what you need to get it done.”
Trump spoke first, and then when it was my turn I went up there and that same power came over me when I spoke with my father. In a moment, I felt all of God’s wisdom and power flow through me. My cousin managed to capture it all on video. So you can watch below and see for yourself what happened.
Professional Life Coach
After that Trump speech, the town went nuts. People could not believe what just happened. I was on cloud ten and all of my being was embodying glorious purpose. When I went home I was more than obsessed with inspiring people. I was on such a high frequency that in the night when I was lying down I ended up having an interdimensional spiritual event. I quite literally vibrated into another dimension which I will share more on later.
Soon, I joined a network marketing company called Worldventures, selling travel packages. I got pretty good at it, and my favorite part was inspiring people to build a business and free themselves from their jobs. It wasn’t directly motivational speaking, but it was close enough. I went to a Worldventures event and met the soon-to-be love of my life, whom I called my Chocolate Drop. She lived in Kansas City, and I moved from Iowa to be with her.
I learned the hard way that long distance compatibility doesn’t always mean you can go and move in with each other. We were both young, and when we realized that we weren’t compatible we decided to break up.
So now I’m in Kansas City, heartbroken and feeling alone. All I had was my desire to inspire people again, and Worldventures wasn’t resonating. As I was looking for a new place to stay after the breakup, I came across a man named John Delemeter. It didn’t align for us to become roommates, but something about him resonated with my soul, and I knew he was in my life for a reason.
John invited me to something called The Landmark Forum. I went, and in that room I got to experience motivational speakers who were operating more as life coaches, changing people’s lives on the spot. I was obsessed. Transforming people’s lives for a living? Having the tools to meet someone, communicate with them, and listen in such a way that it inspires them to create a new life entirely? This was my sport all day long. I quickly rose up the ranks in Landmark and also did a weekend of a leadership program that Tony Robbins once did.
After Landmark Forum I did another transformational program called Satvatove based out of Florida. Then I did another one called Breakthrough. Then I spent countless months studying human transformation and got my certification in Life Coaching.
I started marketing and putting myself out there and then I came upon my first client. A woman who was an actress from Athens, Greece. We connected over Instagram and she loved my content. We had our first video chat and she paid in full for the coaching. What she was craving was confidence in her acting career and in her life. We had a few short conversations and coaching sessions, next thing I knew she ended up getting into a prestigious acting school, and to this day she’s a sucess actress from her country.
After her I had a plethora of clients flow through. All seeking growth, transformation, and change. Some of them wanted great success in their career and finances. Some of them were ready for love in their lives. Some of them were ready to walk with unshakeable confidence, and I gave them just that.
My success in coaching was taking off. I got my license to coach in February of 2018. By the year 2020, I was the #1 rated life coach based out of Kansas City by and also the most Google-reviewed life coach in the state of Kansas and Missouri combined. The city was going nuts about my consistency with life coaching and I was hosting citywide motivational events. I was changing lives one-on-one, Speaking to groups, creating positive communities, and having a large online presence as well.
Sooner or later my brother saw my success and suggested that I apply to give a TEDx Talk. My immediate thought was, “Am I really that big?” That is a huge platform so I agreed to apply but I had no eggs in the basket of actually landing it.
The TEDx team thoroughly vetted me and after a lengthy application process of months, they selected me to give a TEDx Talk in Chicago at TEDxHarperCollege. I could not believe it. It just felt unreal. Once again, I gave my father a call. He was inspired as always. His simple message was; “Son, this is a stage that you’ve spoken on a thousand times now. It just seems a little higher, but it’s the same stage.”
I rocked that TEDx Stage which you can see below. But the best part was the messages and thank you’s from the event. Then got back home to a life of coaching clients who were ready to transform and experience their dream lives. My life is perfect.
I soon realized how I was able to create such successful results with all of my coaching clients. I understood intuitively that I was good at helping people get out of their own way and letting God take over in their lives. I had clients praying for a weekend at the beach. God’s plan was for them to own a house on the beach. I had clients praying for their divine partners. God’s plan was for them to live a life of love and attract a partner that could match it. I had clients praying for confidence, God gave them Godfidence.
It seemed like most of the clients that worked with me, started with focusing on one thing, and got that thing while we were working together. Then by the time we completed our coaching, they also got the thing that God had in store for them as well. Everything always happened perfectly because it was in God’s timing. And my job was to simply arrange the appointment. I did this with my love for them, their process, and humanity.
So to this day, I still am very blessed to be coaching individuals and helping them with lasting change. However, that pressure in my forehead kept growing and growing. And at night, I started to wake up in different dimensions just as present as I am with you here right now.
Something was going on in the spiritual plane that was summoning me. The next thing I knew, my cousin invited me to Hawaii for a certain type of indigenous ceremony. Something to do with bonding all of my spiritual powers with my physical being. It involved a psychedelic medicine which I was very unfamiliar with. I felt a pit in my stomach. I was starting to cross into the veiI of the mystical and unknown to the common man. I knew that if I were to go to Hawaii and undertake that ceremony, I would be crossing a one-way bridge into a glimpse of eternity. This time there was no calling my father. There was an inner voice within that said; “Son, it is Time.”
Channeling Journey
If we could rewind to that moment I woke up in the middle of the night in a different dimension after giving that Trump speech. After lying in my bed feeling euphoric after the speech at the Iowa Caucuses I suddenly felt an urge to go to the bathroom. I went to move my legs but for some reason, they wouldn’t move. It was almost as if they were paralyzed. Then simultaneously I noticed that I couldn’t move my arms or head. My entire body was held still and I did not know what was going on. Then above I heard a voice. It sounded like that AOL “You Got Mail” voice kind of. The voice above said, “What Do You Think?” Then all of a sudden my body went extremely numb and the next thing I knew I was in a blue room. Except that the walls weren’t blue, the air that filled the room had like a blue filter on it. It was blue everywhere I looked. I also noticed that I didn’t have legs and I wasn’t standing. But I was just floating in presence. I realized that anywhere I thought or focused on, I just appeared there. All of a sudden I was in a hallway with different rooms going down the hall. The first room on my left was a blonde-haired woman standing there staring at me. She was beautiful like a goddess or angelic being of some sort. It was weird, but everything I thought, she was present for. It was like she just followed all of my thoughts as a supportive being in them.
Then in the next room, there was a giant screen that looked like an iPhone. There was a picture of my younger brother Terrance and it displayed him calling me. There was a voice saying, “Your brother needs help.” I made a mental note of it. In the next room was my cousin excitedly telling me to come with him to look at something. He took me to a sink, turned on the water, and then started to pull the water like a rope. I reached out my arms and I noticed that I could pull the water too like a rope. It was insane. Then finally I entered the last room. It was a bathroom with a man standing in the mirror. I slowly panned around the man to see who he was. As I slowly got around to his face I felt a little ripple of nervousness in me. I looked at the man standing in the mirror, and it was me.
All of a sudden I instantly snapped back into physical reality back in my bedroom in Iowa. However, I wasn’t lying in my bed anymore. I was on the floor in a pool of sweat. I ran to my cousin’s room to ask him if he remembered pulling the water. He drew a blank and got upset because it was about 4 am and I woke him up. Then the next day I called my brother Terrance to see if he was alright. He was fine and rather confused that I called him in such a frantic state.
It seemed as if I was the only one who just had that interdimensional experience and to others, I may have seemed a little crazy. Time went on and I had multiple interdimensional experiences. Except for now, I can tell when they are about to happen. The first thing I notice is the third eye pressure in my forehead that starts to go off and vibrate intensely. Then my heartbeat gets dramatic and loud. It starts beating with the strength to power an elephant it feels like. The next thing I know, I feel my presence slipping away and then boom, I’m in a completely different place. Some places have music always playing. Some places look like earth. Some of them look nothing like Earth. These random unexplainable travels I went through I started to give up getting answers to them and just started to embrace the experiences knowing that the answers will unfold when they do.
So when my cousin asked me to attend that indigenous ceremony in Hawaii, I knew it was time for answers. And that’s exactly what I got.
The awakening ceremony I participated in involved an Indigenous tribe from Brazil. Because of the depth of the jungle, getting to their village would take a boat ride of almost two days. These people were ancient, and they spoke a language I’d never heard before. However, the ceremony worked because they had a translator with them.
I drank this special black tea they brewed and we broke out into ancestral dance. That night, I immediately noticed that every fear in my body came to the surface of my being. And I was in absolute panic. They urged me to keep dancing and I ended up running away because I did not know what was going on in my body. I faced my hell that night. I wanted it to stop but it wouldn’t stop. Eventually, I collapsed and started purging things out of me. As I purged I felt lighter and lighter almost as if fears and lower energies were leaving my body. Then I laid on the ground and was in a deep silence. A silence that was quieter than any silence I’ve ever heard. Soon, inside of me, a voice started speaking. It was a grandmotherly voice that was the spirit of the ceremony. The amount of love I felt from this voice, the way she just soothed me and rubbed my head assuring me that I was ok. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. Then there was another voice, one that felt all too familiar to me. This voice had a more masculine presence and was saying that it was time for us to start working and healing humanity together. This voice was from the stars yet I heard it as clearly as I could hear someone talking to me right now.
After the ceremony, I spent a few more nights in Hawaii to integrate and then caught a flight back home. Once I got home I asked my girlfriend at the time If I could channel for her. She was open-minded so she said sure. I closed my eyes, and let the presence of the voice with me in Hawaii surface. She started asking questions and then I noticed that as soon as she would ask her question, the answer would surface sometimes even before she answered. I noticed in a channeling state that my identity as Allen Little started to fade away, and I slowly just became one with everything. The more I channeled, the more I started to feel the big picture that we are all one being from different perspectives. After we finished she looked at me in absolute amazement. She was astonished because she’d never heard me speak the way I did while channeling and the answers I gave her she could tell that they came from a much higher perspective. She also noticed a bit of poetry in the answers as well.
I felt inspired to make a long status on Facebook about my channeling experience. However, I was scared to post it. I could hear all of the doubters and those who would say negative things about my channeling. At this point, I’ve developed the ability to have a conversation with the voice within. And to this day I still have conversations with it. So there was a bit of arguing happening about me posting that I’m channeling higher perspectives. Especially since I’ve been informed that some of these perspectives are beings that do not particularly live on our planet. I was a fan of Star Wars. But this was on another level and too close to home for me. Eventually, I posted the Facebook status explaining everything. After I posted it, I shut off my phone and walked out of the house. I didn’t want to deal with all of the negativity I felt was coming my way.
I let some time pass, and to my amazement, my post generated nothing but excitement, curiosity, and intrigue. Many people messaged me directly, talking about their encounters with beings from outer space and other dimensions. Then, a slew of people wanted me to channel for them. I agreed and started having channeling sessions.
One after one people were having sessions with me and afterwards, they all had a similar reaction as my girlfriend at the time. They were in pure awe and astonishment. And many of them were getting more healing in one session than I was able to previously do in my life coaching in three months. Soon one woman took the initiative and she galvanized me to host a public channeling on her retreat center called MILO Farm. She told me that she would fill the room and all I had to do was to show up and channel for the group. I did just that and word got out. The entire room that day experienced healing from a higher perspective and I had a similar feeling as I did when I spoke at the Iowa Caucuses. It was that feeling of purpose and this time, I wasn’t nervous anymore. I felt at home and even closer to God.
The Channeling Coach
After that event at MILO Farm, the rest was history. I was regularly channeling for people all over the globe and I started to have regular channeling events for the city as well. I want to also mention that a dear friend of mine named Zachary Weaver was the first channel I’ve met in person outside of watching Abraham Hicks and Bashar on YouTube. In the early days of my channeling, I had a lot of one-on-one conversations with him, and the being that he channels named Mathias. Then there came a day where I and Mathias were pretty much on the same page. And I simply understood the foundation of the universe. We live in a universe that is held together by love. And every soul is simply on their journey of creating their unique perspective and expression of it.
I started The Channeling Coach because I have a deep desire for you, to meet you, and be you to the fullest. When you imagine the life that you want, you are looking at an instance of the now where it already exists. My role as your coach is to help guide you there from a unique perspective. And also, strengthen your ability to hear your voice within and create with that. I believe that everyone has their own form of channeling. Some do it with music, some poetry, some with dancing. My way is to assist you with every perspective necessary to help you become exactly who you desire to become. Giving you the confidence to go wherever you choose.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. My story is simply the candle that is here to help ignite your flame. If you’re ready to start your coaching journey with me, you can do so with the button below.